25 Hilarious Inappropriately Toys that Kids to Avoid

Posted by , Updated on February 5, 2024

Christmas is slowly coming which means millions of parents all over the world will have to think about what presents they should buy for their little ones. The stores will soon be packed with infinite ranges of all types of toys and the parents will have to choose the right ones to buy. While there are certainly many toys that are absolutely suitable and educational, there are other toys that – either purposely or unintentionally – are inappropriate, disturbing, violent or sometimes even perverted. From Unicorn the Impaler to a Hitler dummy, these are 25 hilariously inappropriate toys your kids should never have to play with. Seriously, don’t let your kids play with these inappropriate toys. It would just be completely inappropriate!


Encouraging baby girls to become strippers is extraordinarily inappropriate and disturbing

elitedaily.com 01-620xelitedaily.com

If you wonder what is wrong with this harmlessly looking toy gun, we will tell you, it is a Japanese version of the Russian roulette for kids.

www.mamamia.com.au japanese-russian-roulettewww.mamamia.com.au

Despite the supposedly cute heart and button eyes, the human teeth make this toy a bizarrely creepy thing.

www.newslinq.com 20-horrifying-toys-to-traumatize-your-child-21-934xwww.newslinq.com

For those who want their kids to become drug dealers, this would be the best Christmas present. Hopefully there are no such parents.

thedingleberry.net drug-dealer-magnet-set_imagegalthedingleberry.net

Let us hope this thing is just very unsuccessful version of a lasso for little cowboys. Thought the "Pretty Death" print on the box tells me it's probably not.

matttoka.buzznet.com large-msg-137117603767matttoka.buzznet.com

Not everybody will find history lessons via this LEGO concentration camp that great of an idea.

boingboing.net bb1_libera1boingboing.net

“The avenging narwhal with three adorable animals to impale” says it all.

www.newslinq.com 20-horrifying-toys-to-traumatize-your-child-41-934xwww.newslinq.com

Glitter-pooping bunny is definitely weird. At least there's no violence or sexual overtone to it...

www.collegehumor.com dbca5fa87202f2cf498cee82f61aefa4-i-poop-glitter-may-be-the-worst-toy-in-historywww.collegehumor.com

This mutant thing sounds like all biology teachers´ nightmare.

opposingviews.com adaptive-images.phpopposingviews.com

Did they have to make the spout just on that very spot?

buzzfeed.com 10251563_223130714561124_1909912320_nbuzzfeed.com

I am not sure if a violent plush crocodile eating a bloodstained man can help somebody´s kids to have better sleep.

inspirationfeed.com violent-toys-crocodile1inspirationfeed.com

Obviously, this shape shifter can shift into some really inappropriate shapes.

www.cracked.com 21923www.cracked.com

I can´t imagine a parent who would like his kids to play with pee and poo.

www.peeandpoo.com pee-poo-duo-ihopwww.peeandpoo.com

We got used to all types of themed Barbie. But “The Birds Barbie” inspired by the famous Hitchcock´s horror movie, might just be too much.

www.whokilledbambi.co.uk alfred-hitchcock-the-birds-barbiewww.whokilledbambi.co.uk

If I were seated in this thing as a child, I would probably be traumatized for the rest of my life.

a baby sitting in a inappropriate toys head shaped objectwww.buzzfeed.com

Avenging narwhal has a rival.

www.dailyrecord.co.uk django-unchainedwww.dailyrecord.co.uk

This SpongeBob seems to be a bit more exposed...

www.smosh.com toy-spongebob-balloonwww.smosh.com

Little babies and tattoo guns? Come on…

www.worth1000.com 716617_0b57_1024x2000www.worth1000.com

A shaveable red-haired doll with a creepy face. This might be a nice addition to the scary Island of the Dolls, but not to a kid´s bedroom.

justmaryit.blogspot.com slide_2685_37656_largejustmaryit.blogspot.com

Really not sure about the sanity of the person who designed this coat hook.

www.newslinq.com 011www.newslinq.com

We have no idea what the purpose of this toy is but anyway, playing with a cat brutally run down by a car is nothing but extremely inappropriate.

www.mamamia.com.au Outrageously-Inappropriate-Kids-Toys-15www.mamamia.com.au

This toy is a sure way to traumatize your kids for life.

elitedaily.com Pregnant-Girlelitedaily.com

Who were these scissors really designed for?

happyplace.someecards.com 4fb9540770421happyplace.someecards.com

Batman would definitely disprove of this toy.

www.newslinq.com 6-668www.newslinq.com

I can hardly imagine a parent who would like his/her little daughter to sleep with this creepy Hitler dummy.

whoaflow.com Inappropriate-Childrens-Toys-8whoaflow.com

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