25 Crazy Statistics About Life And Living

Posted by , Updated on April 21, 2024

Existence is truly remarkable. It encompasses the detailed makeup of our bodies, our highly sophisticated brains, and our interactions in diverse and evolving societies, resulting in a mesmerizing chaos. We, as humans, are among the most complex, sturdy, uncomplicated, and fragile beings in the cosmos. It’s virtually inevitable that you’ll learn something new, whether it’s an awe-inspiring fact about our physical constitution or a captivating aspect of our relationships. For example, did you know that nearly 2/3 of all people in human history who have reached the age of 65 are alive today? This might sound far-fetched, but it’s primarily because our current global population is the largest it’s ever been. In fact, of the estimated 108 billion people who have ever lived, over 7 billion are still with us today. This means only 93% of all people throughout history have died, a fact that’s quite astonishing, right? In all of human history, 7% of all people are alive today. Our world has undergone significant transformations, and the following 25 mind-boggling statistics about life and existence perfectly encapsulate this reality.



Human life expectancy has increased more in the past 50 years than in the last 200,000 years

hour glassSource: wikipedia, Image: wikipedia

More things live on your skin than there are humans on planet Earth

More things live on your skin than there are humans on planet EarthSource: curiosity.com, Image: wikipedia

Speaking of skin, during your lifetime your skin will replace itself an average of 900 times

Speaking of skin, during your lifetime your skin will replace itself an average of 900 timesSource: ft.com, Image: wikipedia

On average, a person would fill two swimming pools with 25,000 quarts of saliva during their lifetime

On average, a person would fill two swimming pools with 25,000 quarts of saliva during their lifetimeSource: howstuffworks.com, Image: wikipedia

Here's another statistic - you'll spend about 3 months of your life on the toilet

Here's another statistic - you'll spend about 3 months of your life on the toiletSource: scotsman.com, Image: wikipedia

To get a bit more serious, 80% of humanity lives on less than $10 per day

To get a bit more serious, 80% of humanity lives on less than $10 per daySource: globalissues.org, Image: wikipedia

In comparison to such poverty, the average American will spend nearly 6 months of their life talking on the phone

But the average American will spend nearly half a year on the phone before they dieSource: bls.gov, Image: wikipedia

People who have a solid community of friends live nearly four years longer than people who don't

People who have a solid community of friends live nearly 4 years longer than people who don'tSource: dailymail.co.uk, Image: wikipedia

If you sit for more than three hours every day you're cutting nearly two years off of your life expectancy

If you sit for more than 3 hours everyday though...you're cutting nearly 2 years off of your life expectancySource: wikipedia, Image: wikipedia

Part of the reason why women live longer than men is because their immune systems age more slowly

Part of the reason why women live longer than men is because their immune systems age more slowlySource: bbc.com, Image: wikipedia

People who jog live almost six years longer than people who don't

People who jog live almost six years longer than people who don'tSource: dailymail.co.uk, Image: wikipedia

An average person can survive nearly two months without eating

An average person can survive nearly 2 months without eatingSource: wikipedia, Image: wikipedia

If everyone on Earth properly washed their hands, nearly 1 million lives would be saved every year

If everyone on Earth properly washed their hands, nearly 1 million lives would be saved every yearSource: hygienecentral.org.uk, Image: wikipedia

The average person spends two weeks of his/her life kissing

The average person spends two weeks of his/her life kissingSource: psychologytoday.com, Image: pixabay

Every year, life expectancy increases by three months

Every year, life expectancy increases by 3 monthsSource: nia.nih.gov, Image: wikipedia

The average person will walk 120,000 km (75,000 miles) in their life. That's a little bit over 3 times around the world!

The average person will walk 120,000 km (75,000 miles) in their life. That is 5 times around the world!Source: dailymail.co.uk, Image: wikipedia

Every cigarette you smoke reduces your life expectancy by 11 minutes

Every cigarette you smoke reduces your life expectancy by 11 minutesSource: news.bbc.co.uk, Image: wikipedia

Your probability of living to more than 110 years old is 1 in 7 million

Your probability of living to more than 110 years old is 1 in 7 millionSource: smithsonianmag.com, Image: wikipedia

Contrary to popular belief, your chance of eating a spider while asleep at any point during your life is pretty close to 0%

Contrary to popular belief, your chance of eating a spider while asleep at any point during your life is pretty close to 0%Source: scientificamerican.com, Image: wikipedia

The average person will yawn about 250,000 times during their life

The average person will yawn about 250,000 times during their lifeSource: reuters.com, Image: wikipedia

An average American will eat 35 tonnes of food in their lifetime

An average American will eat 35 tonnes of food in their lifetimeSource: vvsd.org, Image: wikipedia

Men spend roughly six months of their life shaving

Men spend roughly 6 years of their life shavingSource: askmen.com, Image: wikipedia

According to the American Cancer Society, men in the United States have a 43.31% chance of developing some form of cancer during their lifetime

Also for the men, in the United States they have a 50% chance of developing cancer during their lifeSource: cancer.org, Image: pixabay

Sleeping less than seven hours per night reduces your life expectancy

Sleeping less than 7 hours per night reduces your life expectancySource: medicalnewstoday.com, Image: wikipedia

2/3 of all the people in the history of the world that have lived to be 65 years old are alive today

2/3 of all the people in the history of the world that have lived to be 65 years old are alive todaySource: forbes.com, Image: wikipedia