25 Coolest Ways That Animals Adapt To Their Environments

Posted by , Updated on April 21, 2024

You probably already knew that there are some crazy animals out there. From shooting blood out of their eyes to sucking food through their skin these are the 25 coolest ways that animals adapt to their environments!



This frog can hibernate in its own mucus for years

animal adaptations

After the rainy season, African pyxie frogs will burrow underground and seal themselves in mucus sacs for up to 7 years until it rains again.


This deer barks like a dog

animal adaptations

If you ever happen to scare a southern red muntjac be prepared for a lot of barking.


This squirrel uses its tail for shade

animal adaptations

Cape ground squirrels give us all a reason to be a bit jealous.


This scorpion can go without food for up to a year

animal adaptations

Thanks to specialized metabolisms scorpions can stand to miss a few meals.


This bird carries water in its feathers

animal adaptations

A male sand grouse will collect water in its feathers and take it back to the nest to share with its family.


This starfish has hidden arms

animal adaptations

Known as the basket star, this starfish uses its tendrils to wrap around plankton and feed on them.


This antelope eats standing on two legs

animal adaptations

Known as Waller’s gazelle, this unique feeding posture allows these creatures to reach the higher branches.


This treehopper has an ant on its back

animal adaptations

Ok, it’s not really an ant but the Cyphonia Clavata successfully managed to imitate one with its backside.


This vulture pees on itself

animal adaptations

As if eating rotting flesh wasn’t gross enough, vultures actually let pee run down their legs to cool off.


This ant has hooks on its back

animal adaptations

If you ever try picking this ant (Polyrhachis bihamata) up you’ll be in for a nasty surprise…it won’t come off.  The hook on its back attaches it to its predator. Now imagine sticking your hand into a colony…


This bird has a twisted beak

animal adaptations

Actually, it’s called a twisted wrybill and the bend helps it gather food.


This gazelle never needs to drink water or urinate

animal adaptations

Although the dorcas gazelle will drink if it can, it has the capability of getting all the water it needs from its food.


This dog looks like a raccoon

animal adaptations

Native to East Asia, this creature is 100% canine…no raccoon blood whatsoever.


This roadrunner urinates from its eyeballs

animal adaptations

While it’s not urination in the same sense that we’re typically used to, every animal has to get rid of excess minerals somehow. Roadrunners cry them out.


This fish has knives below its eyes

animal adaptations

Clown loaches have what are officially called bifurcated subocular spines. Basically they’re super sharp blades that the fish can shoot out from under their eyes.


These worms eat their mom's skin

animal adaptations

The scientific name for these creatures is “caecilians” and in their defense their mother will grow thicker skin to provide them with nutrients. It’s still pretty weird though.


This deer has fangs

animal adaptations

The Tufted Deer uses its fangs primarily to fight other males for mates and territory.


This salamander breathes through its skin

animal adaptations

Known as the ET salamander this little guy has also become quite famous for his ugliness.


These kangaroos salivate on themselves to cool down

animal adaptations

When you don’t have sweat glands then you have to make do!


This wolf has super long legs

animal adaptations

Known as the maned wolf, scientists think that it developed longer legs to see predators above the high South American grasses.


This lizard shoots blood out of its eyes

animal adaptations

The short horned lizard of North America probably wins the gross prize with this one.


This Okapi can lick its eyeball

animal adaptations

That’s right, this horse looking creature has a tongue so long that it uses it to clean its eyes.


This seal blows a bubble out of its nose

animal adaptations

The blotchy gray hooded seal has what is possibly the least attractive mating ritual ever.


This antelope changes color with the seasons

animal adaptations

During summer the addax antelope’s coat is white so as to reflect the sun, but in winter it turns brown in order to absorb the sun’s rays.


This worm sucks its food through its skin

animal adaptations

The osadex, also known as the zombie worm, doesn’t have a mouth. It rather secretes acid onto the food to dissolve it and then sucks it through its skin.