25 Weird School Rules You Won’t Believe Exist

Posted by , Updated on April 22, 2024

For the most part, school rules make sense and help keep students safe. They can even be fun traditions. But every once in a while, schools come up with some weird rules, and the results can lead to very unhappy students and parents. Here are 25 Weird School Rules You Won’t Believe Exist.



School banned exposed shoulders

ShouldersSource: https://www.reddit.com, Image: https://pixabay.com (public domain)

Some schools will go to any length to make sure their students are paying attention. Apparently bare shoulders can cause students to lose focus. According to a Redditor, exposed shoulders were banned at their school.


German first graders given a cone of toys

schultute-432044_640Source: http://www.dw.com/en, Image: https://pixabay.com (public domain)

Called a “Schultüte,” there’s a longstanding tradition of giving German first graders a cone of toys as they enter the first grade. It symbolizes a change of status in life.


Pepsi t-shirt banned at school

Pepsi_logo_2014.svgSource: http://www.nytimes.com, Image: https://commons.wikimedia.org (public domain)

If your school has a “Coke Day,” it’s probably wise not to wear their competitor’s t-shirts. But that’s what Michael Cameron did anyway, wearing a Pepsi t-shirt when Coca-Cola executives came to his school for a contest to win $10,000 dollars. Even though the executives weren’t offended by it, the principal suspended Mr. Cameron anyway.


Massachusetts school banned bake sales

bake saleSource: http://www.csmonitor.com

In an effort to curb childhood obesity, Massachusetts schools banned bake sales. However, a massive outcry followed, saying they were being “food police.”


School banned groups of five

Group of FiveSource: http://www.huffingtonpost.com

All bad things happen in groups of five, or so this school thought when it decided to ban students gathering together in groups of five or greater.


Australia school banned cartwheels

cartwheelSource: http://www.dailytelegraph.com.au

In a Sydney school, children were not permitted to perform cartwheels without the direct supervision of a trained gymnastics instructor.


In China, older kids are allowed a thirty minute naps

Student nappingSource: https://www.chinasmack.com

While it’s not uncommon for Kindergarteners to take quick naps, in China, they allow for older students to take thirty-minute naps. Studies have shown a short nap can improve memory and performance in school.


Dodgeball banned in schools

Dodgeball_on_courtSource: http://www.huffingtonpost.com, Image: https://commons.wikimedia.org (public domain)

Schools in New Hampshire have banned dodgeball and other “human target” sports, pointing to bullying and violence as main reasons.


Nebraska schools tell teachers to call kids "Purple Penguins"

penquins-2Source: http://www.foxnews.com, Image: http://www.publicdomainpictures.net (public domain)

In an attempt to be gender inclusive, Nebraska schools required teachers not to call their students “boys” and “girls,” but “Purple Penguins” or other gender-neutral names that include everyone.


If you think this is over the top, wait until you see number 2!


New Jersey school banned bikes

Kids bikeSource: http://www.bicycling.com, Image: http://www.publicdomainpictures.net (public domain)

Despite the health benefits of kids riding their bikes to school, New Jersey schools banned bikes, citing safety and liability issues.


Pennsylvania school banned Ugg boots

SuperUggSource: http://newsfeed.time.com

Though it may seem like a style ban at first, the Pennsylvania schools banned Ugg boots because girls were smuggling banned cell phones in them.


High fives and hugs are not allowed

Free hugsSource: http://www.cnn.com

A California junior high school principal banned all high fives and hugs despite an uproar from students. She said students should keep their hands to themselves.


Frisco, TX school bans Christmas

christmas-xmas-christmas-tree-decorationSource: http://www.christianpost.com/, Image: https://www.pexels.com (public domain)

Nicholas Elementary School in Frisco, TX has banned Christmas and any other religious holiday. They specifically noted no Christmas trees or the colors red and green at their winter party. The reason? to avoid offending anyone.


In France, ketchup isn't allowed in school.

KetchupSource: http://articles.latimes.com

In an effort to protect their culture from becoming “too American,” French schools banned ketchup from being put on any food except french fries.


In the UK, best friends are banned

children-839789_640Source: http://www.foxnews.com, Image: https://pixabay.com (public domain)

Wanting to encourage children to play in larger groups, schools in the UK have banned “best friends,” hoping it would protect children from the trauma of having break ups with close friends.


Japan schools ban good luck bracelets

Tying_friendship_braceletSource: http://en.rocketnews24.com

Japan schools only allow one good luck bracelet, anything greater than that is considered cheating. Apparently, there is such a thing as too much good luck.


School restricts bathroom breaks to three times a week

ToiletSource: http://thestir.cafemom.com, Image: https://pixabay.com (public domain)

A New York school teacher limited her student’s bathroom breaks to three times a week, handing out coupons they can use. They get three minutes, and if they lose the coupons, then they’re going to have to hold it for quite a while.


School bans showing collarbones

Collarbone_IISource: http://metro.co.uk

Stephanie Hughes, a high school student in Kentucky, was sent home for violating the dress code and showing her collarbone. Supposedly, the school doesn’t want girls distracting the male students.


Teachers in UK can't use red ink to grade papers

maxpixel.freegreatpicture.com-Education-Desk-The-Phrase-Maca-Board-Maca-Red-Ink-1894583Source: http://time.com

Stating the color red is too negative, teachers in UK are banned from using it to grade their papers and must use a more calming color instead.


A school bans LOL in yearbooks

Logo_-LOL-Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u3IC8uXJEzU

A school in Georgia banned acronyms like “LOL” and asked students to sign a pledge saying they would respect their yearbooks and not write in them with those kinds of words.


Toronto school banned balls

maxpixel.freegreatpicture.com-Footballs-Sport-Ball-Sports-Football-Balls-Platt-1211230Source: http://www.cbc.ca

After a parent received a concussion from being hit in the head with a ball, a Toronto principal banned hard balls, saying that they are too dangerous.


School bans running at recess

children-playing-334531_640Source: http://www.parenting.com, Image: https://pixabay.com (public domain)

For kids, running and playing at recess is a necessity after sitting in a classroom for a long time. Unfortunately for kids at an unnamed school, a “no running policy” had been put in place. While the school’s reason is to keep the kids safe, this rule has to be one of the top 10 dumbest school rules ever.


ISIS schools require gender segregation

Toilets_unisex.svgSource: http://english.alarabiya.net, Image: wikimedia commons (public domain)

While Iraq is under ISIS control, the University of Mosul has been ordered to have gender segregation. They’ve also imposed severe changes to the curriculum, imposing Sharia Law and removing all hints of Iraqi nationalism and culture.


Students banned from announcing college acceptance

college acceptanceSource: http://thestir.cafemom.com

In an effort to protect their students’ feelings, several prep schools in New York have banned students from announcing whether or not they’ve been accepted into college.


Winning banned at schools

A_red_and_white_-WIN-_button_from_President_Gerald_R._Ford's_1974_-Whip_Inflation_Now-_economic_initiativeSource:http://www.dailymail.co.uk, Image:https://commons.wikimedia.org (public domain)

Speaking of not hurting anyone’s feelings, a new study shows that two out of three schools in the UK are rewarding all students rather than handing out awards to the students who actually win at something.


If you enjoyed this list, be sure to check out 25 Most Ridiculous Things You Won’t Believe Are Banned In Schools.