25 Quotes By Infamous Leaders And Dictators

Posted by , Updated on April 20, 2024

From Augusto Pinochet and Mao Zedong to Adolf Hitler and Saddam Hussein these are 25 quotes by infamous leaders and dictators.



"Make the lie big, make it simple, keep saying it, and eventually they will believe it" - Adolf Hitler

quotes by infamous leaders

“Death is the solution to all problems. No man – no problem.” – Joseph Stalin

quotes by infamous leaders

“You cannot run faster than a bullet.” – Idi Amin

quotes by infamous leaders

“There is no state with a democracy except Libya on the whole planet.” - Moammar Gadhafi

quotes by infamous leaders

“Politics is when you say you are going to do one thing while intending to do another. Then you do neither what you said nor what you intended.” - Saddam Hussein

quotes by infamous leaders

“Politics is war without bloodshed while war is politics with bloodshed.” – Mao Zedong

quotes by infamous leaders

“We love death. The U.S. loves life. That is the difference between us two.” – Osama bin Laden

quotes by infamous leaders

“The only white man you can trust is a dead white man.” – Robert Mugabe

quotes by infamous leaders

“Ideas are more powerful than guns. We would not let our enemies have guns, why should we let them have ideas.” – Josef Stalin

quotes by infamous leaders

"I will leap into my grave laughing because the feeling that I have five million human beings on my conscience is for me a source of extraordinary satisfaction." - Adolf Eichmann

quotes by infamous leaders

"I don't care if they respect me so long as they fear me." - Caligula

quotes by infamous leaders

"Let us have a dagger between our teeth, a bomb in our hands, and an infinite scorn in our hearts." - Benito Mussolini

quotes by infamous leaders

"One man with a gun can control 100 without one." - Vladimir Lenin

quotes by infamous leaders

“The oppressed peoples can liberate themselves only through struggle. This is a simple and clear truth confirmed by history.” – Kim Il-Sung

quotes by infamous leaders

“I want you to know that everything I did, I did for my country.”- Pol Pot

quotes by infamous leaders

"I'm not a dictator. It's just that I have a grumpy face." - Augusto Pinochet

quotes by infamous leaders

"I use emotion for the many and reserve reason for the few." - Adolf Hitler

quotes by infamous leaders

"It's not for me. I tried human flesh and it's too salty for my taste." - Idi Amin

quotes by infamous leaders

"A lie told often enough becomes the truth." - Vladimir Lenin

quotes by infamous leaders

"Cruel leaders are replaced only to have new leaders turn cruel." - Che Guevara

quotes by infamous leaders

"Never interrupt your enemy when he is making a mistake." - Napoleon Bonaparte

quotes by infamous leaders

"I am the object of criticism around the world. But I think that since I am being discussed, then I am on the right track." - Kim Jong-Il

quotes by infamous leaders

"Conquering the world on horseback is easy; it is dismounting and governing that is hard." - Genghis Khan

quotes by infamous leaders

"I do not see why man should not be just as cruel as nature." - Adolf Hitler

quotes by infamous leaders

“One death is a tragedy; one million is a statistic.” – Josef Stalin

quotes by infamous leaders