25 Noticeable Differences Between Men And Women

Posted by , Updated on March 25, 2024

In the somewhat overly political-correct age and society in which we live today, it is dangerous for anyone to make statements that imply how people are different from each other even though we are all equal in our rights and freedoms, or at least should be in a perfect world.

One such case is when it comes to gender and the obvious differences between men and women that some people usually ignore for whatever reason. After taking into account various scientific studies and characteristics of the two sexes, we present 25 differences between the sexes that are very real no matter how hard one tries to ignore them or pretend they don’t exist.



Brain Wiring


Men and women’s brains are literally wired differently. Studies show that the male brain’s connections run between the front and the back of the same side of the brain, whereas in women, the connections run from side to side between the left and right hemisphere of the brain.



Take a deep breath gif

Female lung capacity is about 30 percent less than in males



Angela Merkel

A recent study has been undertaken by MIT to examine whether or not sex differences play a part in leadership qualities and taking a leadership role. Until recently, men have held the majority of leadership positions and have been stereotyped as more effective leaders.


Gray Matter and White Matter

Fast thinking

The male brain contains more gray matter whereas the female brain contains more white matter. White matter basically increases the speed of transmission of all nerve signals, which ultimately allows women to process thoughts more rapidly than their male counterparts.



General David Petraeus

Various studies show that during a time of extreme stress or in a crisis, women tend to react with reference to their feelings, while men tend not to react with logic and deductive reasoning.




It has been noted in many instances that sex differences play a major role in educational achievement. However, many thinkers believe this might be caused by sex discrimination in the law, in culture and society, or may reflect natural differences in the interests of the sexes.



Male Criminal

Perpetrators of a crime are usually males. Females have lower arrest rates than males for virtually all crimes except prostitution and this appears to be true in all countries for which data is available.


Autoimmune Diseases


Certain autoimmune diseases may occur predominantly in one sex, with a prime example being the fact that ninety percent of primary biliary cirrhosis cases are found in women, whereas primary sclerosing cholangitis is more common in men.


The Frontal Lobe

wedding couple

The frontal lobe, which is responsible for problem-solving, and the limbic cortex of the female brain tend to be larger than in males, which appears to provide women with an advantage over men in solving house problems and in emotionality.




Because of the larger parietal cortex and amygdala, males generally tend to perform better at reading maps, spatially related tasks, and mathematics. On the other hand, females tend to excel in English and the arts.



Woman soaking the sun

Women can withstand higher temperatures than men because their metabolism slows down less.


Neurological and Genetic Differences


Many studies have proven that differences between men and women are neurological and genetic in origin and are highly resistant to change via cultural influence.




Men use humor as a weapon often to attract females whereas women rarely even try to be funny, which is the main reason why many men think women have no sense of humor at all.


Suicidal Tendencies

Kurt Cobain

Sex differences in suicide have been shown to be significant; there are highly asymmetric rates of attempted and completed suicide between males and females. The gap, also called the gender paradox of suicidal behavior, can vary significantly among countries.

Statistics indicate that males die much more often by means of suicide than females; however, reported suicide attempts are three times more common among females than males. This paradox is due to the weapon of choice, with females more often using pills and males more often turning to guns, high-rise buildings, or knives.




Women usually check out a guy discreetly and even if they decide to flirt or make the first move he might not even realize it.




On average, males possess 50% more brute strength than women.


Visually Oriented

Men checking out woman

Many psychologists claim most men are visually oriented, caring less about romance or personal identity. Men can easily separate love and sex.


Emotional Influences

Emotional Influences

Women experience emotional influences that men do not because of their reproductive capacities such as menstrual cycles, pregnancy, lactation, and menopause.



breaking up

Recent studies insist that men do not have as strong a desire and need for stability, security, and enduring relationships as women do.




Men have higher basal metabolism than women.



Female nose

Women have a better sense of smell than men. A recent study found that the female brain has almost 50% more olfactory cells than men.


Male's Height

Height difference

Males are typically taller than females. In terms of height, the average human male is 5’10”, while the average female is 5’4″. This is a result of a taller skeletal structure resulting in heavier and larger bones.


Male Brains

Human brain

Human males typically have larger brains than females. However, larger does not always or usually mean smarter. IQ tests and aptitude tests show no physical gender bias in overall intelligence. The difference in size has recently been linked to body-mass differences.



Anniversary gift

Surveys have shown that women tend to remember anniversary dates and birthdays more often than men, while men tend to remember dates such as when the mortgage is due.


Emotional Attachment

Baby hand

Mothers become emotionally attached to their children prior to birth by the virtue of carrying the child in their wombs. According to some studies men won’t become emotionally bonded to the child for several months after birth when the infant begins to smile, respond, and interact with him.